Sunday, November 21, 2010

Riding a Bike

Yesterday Angie took me riding bikes in Seoul Forest. It was really fun. I hadn't ridden a bike in a LONG time, so I was a bit wobbly at first. I only fell over once. The park was kind of small, so we rode around it seven times! We rented the bikes for an hour. On the way back to the "subway" we accidentally ran into the river walk. YAY! I found the river. The walk is beautiful and goes on for miles and miles! We wandered around, only a bit lost, trying to find the subway station. We finally did!

Later in the day I went in search of a Christian bookstore in order to buy Christmas cards, which apparently are hard to find around here. On the way I saw this exercise park with these old people working out. I hope I can raise my leg that high when I am an old woman!

I am becoming quite the cook! For now it is fun trying to see what I can create, but I'm sure it will get old real fast. Yesterday I made some rockin potatoes! They were stirfried with garlic and lots of spices. Soooo good.

Unfortunately a new baby was born into the apartment next to mine. It cries all the time...

Yesterday I skyped Danny and Sarah and I got to see the boys. Danny said, "Where is aunt Sara?" Gabe said, "She's in Kowea!" Hah, Kowea. So cute.

I tried a small group today. It was good, but there were only two other people and me. Now that is a SMALL group. Maybe I will try to find one with people more my age. I must keep looking for friends... :)

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