Monday, October 6, 2014

Last 2 weeks

A lot has happened since I last wrote!  First of all, Josh's dad had 2 strokes 2 weeks ago.  He was in the hospital for the last two weeks and is now trying to lead a somewhat normal life back at his home.  We've been visiting or helping him every spare minute we have.  He's doing a lot better and is able to walk a bit with the walker.  He lives alone, so that poses all sorts of other challenges.  Anyway, we need prayer that this wouldn't been too overwhelming and for his dad's smooth recovery.

We moved!  Guess what!?  The week of the move, there was another flood and another big hole cut in our ceiling!  That totals up to four times our ceiling leaked and they had to cut it open!  It was almost funny this time!  Glad we're out of there :)  We really like our new place.  It's a bit smaller (but cheaper :)) and nice enough for us to save up our money for a house next year. 

Call us crazy....but also in the last 2 weeks we went down to one car (to save more money for the house).  I think we'll only do this for a little while, considering it's kind of hard to completely coordinate our schedules.  So far so good though!

School is going well!  I love my class and they are pretty low maintenance, which is great since we have so much other going on!  Thanks for your prayers :)