Saturday, January 22, 2011

Almost a disaster...

Well I got to the checkout counter to buy my groceries when I realized that my debit card and ID had fallen out of my wallet! I had been all over Seoul today, so there was no telling where the cards were. I put all the groceries back into the basket and ran home, hoping the cards had fallen out in my purse, which I did not bring with me to the store. They were there!! Whew. That was a close one. All that to say, I got a little panicked and some blisters from making the trek to E-mart 4 times today...BUT I got the groceries!

Last night I went on a prayer walk with my church. 50 people speaking English walking around the "white house" and Buddhist temple areas must have been a sight! It was SO cold, but so worth it! We even got to give food and things to a few homeless people in a subway tunnel. It was my first prayer walk and it was a really neat thing to be a part of.

Today I had Korean class, which I love, and then I hung out with Rachel (from Dexter) the rest of the day. She took me to her favorite part of Seoul, an area that is similar to Ann Arbor. It's real artsy and has a bunch of cool shops and cafes. We ate at a Mexican restaurant and then sat in a coffee shop for a long time. Then we went to the huge outdoor market, which is really cool all lit up at night!

Rachel and I were talking about a lot of things, but I realized that I am a little insecure here. It's funny because you'd think I would be more so in the USA, because there, I compare myself to everyone else. But here, I feel like everyone is giving me the once over, thinking that I should be a certain way. I don't want to be the typical, arrogant American that people assume.

It's funny how everyone thinks their ideas are right. Obviously not everyone's ideas can be right, but I'm finding there are different ways to go about things. Just because I have a different way of thinking about things doesn't mean that others are wrong. They are just different. Thank goodness God made us all different, or the world would be a very boring place. Differences give the world flavor.

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