Thursday, July 16, 2009


Well, my students are working on a song to sing for the talent show. They picked "Hey Jude" by the Beatles. But, I must say that Chinese people have very little pitch...or rhythm for that matter. Actually none at all! So, they want me to sing with them, but I'm giggling and cringing while singing, because it is so bad! So funny though! As long as they are having fun, I am happy.
They discovered my blonde arm hair yesterday and thought it was the coolest thing in the world. Asians have hardly any arm hair, so they were pretty excited about mine. Hah :) They find the strangest things interesting!
We have these meal card things for the cafeteria. Mine was on my nametag around my neck so I wouldn't loose it. Well, I accidentally dropped it in the toilet today :( I must borrow someone else's to eat. I laughed. The toilets here are pretty much a pit, so there was no chance of getting it back. Oh well!
I am really tired lately. I think I just need some alone time, but that is kind of impossible here. I feel just kind of emotionally drained. I am getting as much rest as I can, and I am still trying to give my best. The weekend will come soon, and then I can rest.
Yesterday I ate a total of 3 ice cream bars and 3 peaches. The students just kept bringing me things. It's rude to say no, so I just kept eating! Somehow I need to figure out a good, kind way to say no. I can't be eating 3 ice creams a day! Alright, that's it for now :)

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