Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My New Year's Gift

Before I forget, for those of you reading this, I should probably tell you to stop sending mail to my school address now because I will be moving in about a month. When I am at the new school I'll give you the new address so you can continue sending mail :) I SO appreciate getting mail!!

Today was the last day before our Lunar New Year vacation (5 days!). This is one of the two biggest holidays in Korea. One of my students brought me a present today. He was so excited to show me what was inside, that he practically opened it for me! It was a bottle of vitamins! HAHA I thought this was the funniest gift. The students' moms are all about practicality here, which is great. Of course I can use a bottle of vitamins, and actually they're pretty expensive here, so I was glad to get them!

Getting the kids out the door this afternoon was a little hectic. I'm not sure why today was more rushed than others, but I remember regreting the words, "Hurry! We must go very fast!" almost as soon as they came out of my mouth. I hated for these words to be the last that I said before their vacation. Really it's my fault that we didn't start getting ready ealier!

Anyway, one girl Kate was especially slow today. I must admit I was loosing patience with her as she dilly-dallied. She was the last to walk out the door and I was holding her coat as she had two armfuls of everything else that should have been inside of her backpack. I took her to the side of the hallway as other kids raced past us. I helped her put everything back in her backpack and I hurriedly put on her coat. Just as I was topping her off with her fuzzy penguin hat, her mask and her mittens, I said, "Ok ready?" What she said to me totally caught me off gaurd. She said, "Reeeaddddyyy...ACTION!" It made me laugh and realize wow, these kids are so little (just 5 and 6 years old). They're only kids. They don't care at all when everything is out of their backpack or if they walk outside with no coat on. Life is so simple to them, and they are so happy.

I will be more careful not to rush next time. Does it really matter if they're a few minutes late? Better that than me getting impatient! Lesson 104 learned.

Angie and I had planned a little trip for this week's holiday, but it had been cancelled. She just called me to tell me it's back on!! So now I leave tomorrow for this retreat center 4 hours away in the mountains! I am more than excited! I'll write again when I get back on Friday :)

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