Sunday, December 12, 2010

Oh the people I meet

For not having anything to write about last week, I sure am windy this weekend. I thought I would tell the funny story about church. Well, I sat down for church and this very awkward Korean man (probably 30) came up and sat 2 chairs away from me. I smiled, but that's it. Then a few minutes later, he scooted 1 seat away. Next thing I knew he was right next to me. I said hi and asked his name. He was Korean and didn't speak much English. After he asked my name, the first thing he asked was if I had a girlfriend. He asked how old I was. The guy in front of me was from America and was laughing because he heard this conversation. The Korean only knew a few English words and kept saying, "Beautiful, beautiful." It's only because I have blonde hair and white skin. It's interesting being a minority. Anyway, throughout the service (picture this), he would lean sideways so that his shoulder would touch mine. So as he leaned uncomfortably closer, I leaning farther away. Oh, it gets funnier. Then, as my head was bowed and eyes were closed for the prayer, he leaned over to look at my face while I was praying! Oh man. I could feel him really close, so I peeked at sure enough, his face was like right by mine. AH, so strange! The whole service he was giggling because he was sitting next to me. It was an...experience.

On the subway home from church I was carrying my Bible because it wouldn't fit in my purse. This frail old man came up to me and said something in Korean and pointed to his watch. I figured he was asking me the time, so I took out my phone to show him the time. Later he pulled out his phone, so maybe that's not what he was asking :) He, too, only knew a few English words. Every few minutes he would ask me another one word question, like "USA?" After a few minutes of silence, he said, "Bible?" He said some things in Korean (or what I thought was Korean). Then, he said something that I recognized in Chinese! From what I gathered, I think he was Chinese. It's awesome that he said one of the only Chinese phrases I know. He said, "I love you as my sister in Christ." How cool is that?

Another quick interesting fact about today. I bought a bundle of bananas at the store yesterday hoping they would last me for the week. Wishful thinking. They don't have the preservatives or something here, because they were green yesterday and today all six of them had brown spots. I ate three today and I'll probably have to eat another 3 tomorrow or they will be mush. I'll be all set with potassium for the next few months!

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