Friday, December 24, 2010

"1 more sleep until Christmas" as my students say

Today was our school's Christmas party. The kids were SO excited!! Santa came to visit our classrooms, we decorated cupcakes, made Christmas cards, we had a Christmas carol contest and I gave out presents in stockings to the kids. It was so fun to see them excited. They were afraid of Santa, which was so funny. When he walked in, they said, "It's an English Santa!" Haha.
Tonight I went to a catholic Christmas Eve Service. My favorite part about Christmas is always going to church, but my church's service wasn't till tomorrow. And, I just think Cathedrals are beautiful. When I walked in, I saw Becca Sauers from home!! This was beyond weird because I'd seen her the week before, randomly at the nutcracker. Out of 25 million people in the city, I've seen her 2 times in the past week! So crazy!

Tomorrow I will leave here about 6:30am to head home for Christmas! I am so lucky, I get to live two Christmas days, both here and home because of the time difference. I'm dreading the flight, but I'm sure it'll be worth it. I'm so excited to see my family :) Well, I suppose I better go to bed... Merry Christmas!

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