Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Korean Calligrapher

On Saturday I went to a shopping place because I wanted to buy some Korean artwork to put on my wall. I couldn't really find any that I liked, and it was all, I made my own! I had always seen this thick, hand-made paper, almost like material and wondered what to do with it. Today I bought a paint brush and some ink and I made some Korean artwork. I'm actually really happy with the way it turned out!

The rainy season isn't as bad as I'd dreaded. It's really humid, but it doesn't rain non-stop. Some days have sunny patches and it just rains sporatically. I am always sure to carry my umbrella everywhere though, cause sometimes even with bright sun, the rain just pours for about 5 minutes and then stops. So strange. I really have to do some research about the monsoon. I want to know what makes it rain so much during one season.

The other day I walked out to go to the bakery during lunch and I had my big umbrella that day because it was raining SO hard. As I was walking on the sidewalk, I heard a crack. There was construction being done on the sidewalk, so I thought maybe the cement had cracked or something. WRONG. Next thing I knew, a big tree limb broke off a tree, right in front of me! The branches bounced off my umbrella over my head. I stood there for a second, just starring at the tree in front of my face, thinking how bad that could have been. After a few seconds I looked around to see if anyone had seen what had just happened. There was an old man who observed the whole thing, standing there with his mouth open. I'm sure mine was open too! I climed over the tree and just walked away laughing, thinking what a weird thing that was. Turns out umbrellas have more than one purpose!

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