Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The rolling roll

Actually I just thought of something else to blog about. I thought I'd give you a few mental pictures to imagine what my classroom is like!

Each day before we start school we have snack time. Sometimes its fruit, yogurt or bread, but this time I wanted to teach them that this was a special kind of bread, called a roll. They can't exactly pronounce the "l" sound, but they try their best. Usually during snack, someone drops their snack on the floor or spills the milk. I've just come to accept that that is just part of snack time. This time, Ace, my favorite, lost control of his roll and it "rolled" all the way across the table, past me and landed on the floor. He let out a big sigh and said, "Teacher! Why didn't you catch it!!?" I guess you kind of had to be there to see his face, but I laughed SO hard. Then the kids were laughing at me laughing and this went on for a good few minutes! We learned a double meaning of "roll" today! Later, I was the one who spilled the milk, and Ashley said to me, "It's ok, Teacher..." :)

High fives are a big thing in kindergarten. One of my kids always winds up like a baseball pitcher before he give me a high five. His arms flail and his face gets this determined "I'm going to hit as hard as I can" look and I'm always a bit worried he'll miss and hit my face or something! Like I've said before, each day is an adventure!

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