Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Today we had a party in our class. The last few days, the students have been sneaking out to buy gifts. Thankfully they did not get caught :) Good news, the cake was ready for me when I went to pick it up! The students gave me a tea cup and a beautiful braclet. It was funny because yesterday, I was asked 3 times what my favorite color was. When I said blue, they said, "Are you sure it's not green...?" Hah, they had bought me a green bracelet. They wanted to sing me songs in Chinese. It was really special. Also, the thing I am most excited about is my new Chinese name! In China, everyone has a meaningful name. They created the name He Ting for me. It means holy and lovely! I was so honored that they would give me a beautiful name. They got a good laugh out of me trying to write it in Chinese characters! Tomorrow will be a tough day, the last day.
Each night me, Karissa, and Cherry (another student) sit out on the steps of our dorm and talk. We were sitting outside last night, it was sprinkling, and Karissa said, "I want to sit out here forever..." Finally we went to bed, because we must get up early. Last night, I thought, I am the luckiest girl in the world. I got to teach a high class, children, and a low class. It could not have been any better. I am so happy. Here there are no worries, no problems, just care free living. In a few days I will go back to school and get back to real life.
It's funny because I have been around the Chinese for so long that I catch my self using Chinglish, and bad grammar. To them we speak so simply and slowly. When I go home, people will look at me strange when I say, "Hhhiii. Mmmmyyyy nnnaaaammmmeee iiiiisssss Ssssaaarrrraaaa!"
One more day!

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