Sunday, January 6, 2013

Homeless in Detroit

Yesterday, Josh and another friend of ours and I went to serve the homeless of Detroit.  The other two had gone before and driven around downtown handing out meals to people they saw on the street.  They told me about some awesome stories as they just sat there and talked with the people eating their dinner. 

We headed out about 4:30 with even more than the last time.  We made up bags full of coats, gloves, deodorant, toothbrushes and toothpaste.  We took 20 sandwiches and bowls of soup, crackers, fruit and candy.

We started to get disappointed because we could find hardly anyone on the streets like they had the last time.  We decided to go to a shelter instead, to donate all of our bags.  The shelter pointed us to a group of homeless people across the street.  We handed out everything we had.  Amazingly, we had just enough for everyone to get a bag and just enough soup to fill the last bowl.  It was pretty cool how we had just the right amount.  God knew how many people would be standing on that street.  They were very appreciative and showed their excitement for the things they were given.  One man asked us to pray for him and then he even prayed for us.  How humbling it is to be prayed for by a homeless man.  Though it took me out of my comfort zone, I never felt unsafe.  Discomfort cannot compete with serving the Lord's people.  What a great opportunity!

Back to school tomorrow......What a wonderful Christmas break!  Now back to reality! 

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