Sunday, April 21, 2013


I've been dealing with a lot of angry kids lately.  I'm not sure why this has become an issue in the last couple of months.  I have a few students who have been getting so angry lately that they go into a rage.  It's frustrating because it seems like nothing I can do is helping.  Once these students make one bad choice in the morning, they dwell on it the rest of the day and it just snowballs into more bad choices.  I've been trying to teach these kids more appropriate ways to handle their anger.  We have classroom discussions about it all the time and I even read children's books about the topic.  Nothing seems to be getting through to these few.  It's not fair to the other students because I am spending more time on managing behavior than teaching... :(  Hopefully this week will be better.  Please pray for peace and patience in my classroom.  Eight more weeks!

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