Monday, December 12, 2011

My Giant Head

Yesterday in my 4th grade class, we were reading a story about sandcastles. They didn't know what a bucket was, so I was trying to explain using other words. We were comparing cups and buckets. One kid got all excited because he understood and said, "Oh, a bucket is giant like your head!" Hahahaha! He didn't know that was not a very nice thing to say. I laughed and laughed and the other kids just looked at me curiously. It's pretty funny teaching English as a second language. I sometimes crack my self up and they just have no idea what's going on. It's is pretty cool though when the students get to a point where they are able to joke in a foreign language!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agreed! And sometimes when they don't get it and I'm the only one laughing, i laugh a little harder because now I look silly. :) Have a Merry Christmas Sara! Enjoy the time with family!