Saturday, September 3, 2011

Korean Wedding #2

Look what I found! I took a double take when I saw the block M, and sure enough it is a Michigan Dentist! Not quite sure what that means exactly, but maybe he studied at UofM. Who would have ever guess finding a piece of my hometown in Seoul!

Cool class project!

I thought this was a cute picture of one of my kids holding my hand on the bus on the way to our class' "farm" field trip part 3.

Today I went to my second Korean wedding. One of my Korean co-workers got married. I was so surprised that this wedding was so different than my last one. Now I'm curious which one is typical. I have a feeling the first one was more typical. This one today, was more like a catholic wedding that I've been to in the States. Today's was in a catholic church, unlike the other in the wedding hall. She looked so beautiful!!

I really don't know much about catholicism, having grown up in a protestant church. I went to the wedding with most of my co-workers. I don't know all the rituals and liturgies in the catholic church...well, and they were in Korean :) I know some really strong Christians who are catholic and much prefer that style of worship, but I think it's harder for me, and I prefer a more contemporary church. Anyway, it was some of my co-workers first time in church. This wedding was all they know of church. Since they know I'm a Christian, they automatically think this is the kind of church I go to. They were confused when I did not get up for communion (I couldn't because I'm not catholic). Though of course God can meet us anywhere, I was still a little bummed that they only saw the ritualistic view of church and from their experience today, have no interest in going back...

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