Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Hot Palace

I guess they grow rice in palaces too!

They looked kind of miserable :)

Today I wanted to be outside and read under a tree in a park. The day didn't exactly turn out as I'd expected, but it was fun anyway. I had heard about this Secret Garden at one of the palaces in Seoul, and had always wanted to go. So, today was the day. I thought a "secret" garden would be a perfect place to sit on a bench and read all afternoon. Well, it turns out that the "Secret Garden" was only open for tours. There happened to be an English tour soon, so I got a ticket. Oh man was it hot today! Full sun, and full hot and stick humidity...ugh. This weather is quickly comparing to the hot China summer I had. It's the kind of hot where your legs sweat when you're sitting still. So, about 50 foreigners gathered together, each sweating profusely, trying to get excited about this tour, which turned out to be 1 1/2 hours and on a mountain (ok maybe that's an exaggeration, but at least a few big hills!) I was surrounded by mostly American guys around my age and their Korean girlfriends....typical... One of these couples was obviously on their first date and their awkward conversation was cracking me up! It amazes me how Korean girls always look good. Here I was dripping with sweat, looking fairly gross I'm sure, and then there are the always beautiful Korean girls. I don't know how they do it!

The tour was really cool, actually. It really was beautiful! About the last ten minutes of the tour it started storming. It only rained for 10 minutes, but it was one of the soaker rains that I've only seen in Korea. Just enough to get me all drenched before the subway ride back, haha. Oh well, it was fun!

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