Monday, May 23, 2011

Hit by a bike!

What is it with me and bikes!? Tonight while I was just walking back from the river, all the sudden I heard screeching brakes and a yell. This guy pretty much hit me full force with his bike from behind. Even though I'm laughing about it, it could have been really bad! Thank goodness I just got a bruise on my leg and a sore back! What in the world!? The strangest things happen to me! :)

I had a really good weekend! I went to a cooking class, played Wii Tennis and running, had my first ride on a scooter, and just hung out with good friends. Things are way more fun here in the Spring! Warm Spring nights are the best.


Katrina (Chocolate Lover) said...

Oh my! You and bikes lately, haha, but I'm glad you had a great weekend despite being mowed over by a run away two wheeler—can't wait to hear more adventures!
Oh and that ice cream cone looks absolutely sinful :)

Sara Andrews said...

I wish you were hear to eat it with me :)