This is why I don't wash my sheets very often. It takes a couple of days of my sheets hanging all over my apartment to dry. Most of the time I don't really miss a dryer, but today I do :)
This morning on my way to Korean class I was sitting next to an old woman on the subway. I saw that there was an open seat, so I sat down. I failed to notice that she desperately needed sleep. Throughout the ride, she began nodding off, head bobbing up and down as she drifted in and out of sleep. Next thing I know, her head was in my book, which was on my lap. Probably ten times, she woke up and then fell back over on my lap. The people around me were all nudging each other, saying "hey look at that!" Then they just giggled. The two military men in front of me got me laughing pretty hard about it. Finally I just got up and moved 2 seats down. Then the military men and I got to watch the same senario happen to another poor unsuspecting soul. It's always good to have some entertainment on a long subway ride :)
This week I had a revelation. My life is so good right now. These last couple weeks have just been going so well. School is continuing to get better. I actually like my job now, I love my kids, the supervisors and being nicer, and I work with really fun co-workers. As I was riding my bike down the river one night last week, I looked around at the lit up sky line in the dark and thought, "I am so lucky to live here at this time in my life." My whole time here I've always liked Korea, but I'm really starting to appreciate and enjoy it now. It's such an awesome place to live. I am learning so much. I have a great apartment. I'm part of a great church and small group. Beth is coming to visit in four days! Life is just really good right now.
I was reading back through one of my journals when I first came. It was interesting to read back through all the questions, worries, and uncertainties I had. When I came I had really no idea what I was getting myself into, no idea my school would close just 4 months after I got here, no idea the ways that I would grow as a person. Even though it was all a big unknown to me, God knew it all. Just as He got me through the difficult last couple of months, He'll get me through tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. No need to worry.