Monday, April 25, 2011

The So Called Farm

Today my school went on a field trip to a farm. When I think farm, I think barn, horses, corn fields... A city farm is a lot different! Our "farm" was about an hour away and when we pulled up, I thought in my head, "Where is it?" Haha, it turned out to be more like a greenhouse or a nursery. After an hour on the bus, we got off, walked to this little patch of dirt, patted some dirt, and drank our drinks. We were there a total of 15 minutes. I counted. As I was trying to do at least a little bit of teaching about plants, watering, etc., we were told to hurry up and get back on the bus to get out of the sun! Oh man... The other teacher on the bus and I were just laughing about how ridiculous the field trip was, considering there was no learning going on. I think the Koreans took about 50 pictures of us with the kids patting the dirt so that the parents would see pictures of us at the "farm." So funny. I wonder what field trips to the farm in an American big city would be like. In my town we didn't need a field trip to go to the farm, it was just down the road!

Today one of my students brought me a whole box of Dunkin Donuts! When I asked what the occassion was, she whispered to me about an incident last week. I caught her cheating on her spelling test, so I took her test and gave her a zero. I sent it home so her parents would see it. I guess her mom felt so bad that she sent me donuts! Wow, I had already forgotten all about the cheating incident... We all shared the donuts!


Pam said...

How funny! We can relate. We went to a 'plantation' on the island of Grenada. It couldn't have been much more than half an acre of land! Just like you, it wasn't what us Midwesterners excepted.

Sara Andrews said...

Wow, a plantation sounds like it would be a huge farm. That's disappointing that it was only a 1/2 acre! Haha