Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Grandaddy Would Be Proud

I just bought a bike!! Everyone at school has a bike and I've been thinking about getting one since right now is the perfect time of the year to have one. I bargained with the old man in Korean! He just kept laughing that I was using Korean numbers to bargain with him. Finally he agreed to give it to me for the price I wanted. It's a lot easier to barter here cause I don't have to worry about being embarrassed. Yes Grandaddy, I walked away and all :) By the time I left, he shook his head and said, "You are good..." I was probably more annoying than anything! Either way, I have a red and black bike, complete with lock and basket :)

This afternoon I went to Olympic park to just lay on a blanket out in the sun and journal and read. It was so great, aside from the ants that almost carried me away! It gives a whole new meaning to "ants in your pants!" Also, it was some special "walk" or something at the park today cause there were hundreds of people with race numbers on their shirts. Whatever the event was, it turned out to be "look at the foreigner laying out in the sun" day. All of the walkers were dressed in long sleeves, long pants, BIG visors, masks, sun glasses, and some even had gloves, so that no part of their body was exposed to the sun. Contrast that with me, laying on a blanket with my pants all rolled up, short sleeves, purposely soaking up the sun. I tried to take a nap, but the gawkers and people shouting "HELLO!" kept me up. I guess they were just curious as to why I would want to tan my white skin. Even though some of my fashion sense and conception of beauty has changed being here, white is still pasty white to me..:)

One of my second grade students just about drives me crazy, yet he's one of my favorites! He has a serious ADHD problem I'm sure, but he's just SO funny. My favorite part is that his name is Arthur! HAHA. I purposely put him right beside me, so when he gets way too silly I can try to tame him. Anyway, at our school we have this sticker system to reward good behavior. When students are doing well (without me having to ask) they sometimes get a sticker. All of the kids in the class were working on this one assignment for 3 days. I gave the people working well stickers. I didn't give Arthur a sticker cause he was no doing what he was supposed to. It really devasted him, but I wanted to teach him a lesson. Throughout the rest of the day he obsessed about the sticker. I think he probably said, "Arthur gets a sticker" about 79 times within the 2 hours! It got to the point where he said it so many times and I was so annoyed that it became really funny! Once again I just laughed and laughed! Oh yeah, every day (yes, everyday) he asks me the same question. "Teacher, why do you have blue eyes?" Everyday I reply, "I don't know Arthur. Why do you have black eyes?" Day after day, he gives me the same puzzled expression and I can see the wheels turning as he says, "Oh......I don't know either." You'd think he'd memorize my response by now but at least he gives me a good laugh everyday! :) I think I'm really starting to love these kids.

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