Thursday, April 7, 2011

Radiation Rain

Some of my kids didn't come to school today because of the rain. When I asked my boss why rain was a problem, she said that because it's the first time it's rained since the Japan Earthquake, people think that the radiation is traveling in the clouds and raining on us. It's called 방사능 비 or radioactive rain. The government said it's not dangerous, but some of the parents are still paranoid and won't go outside in the rain. I think if the government says it's ok, I should be fine!


Katrina (Chocolate Lover) said...

Oh my! I wouldn't have even thought of that. I guess in some ways it makes sense, but I wouldn't worry about it either

Daniel said...

Well, there was the government bulletin that perpetuated an urban myth there for a long time.... Supposedly sleeping in a closed room with an electric fan will cause you to die from hypothermia.