Monday, November 28, 2016

Christmas Tree "Hunting" only think you know the story about this Christmas tree hunt!  We bundled up (although it wasn't really that cold) and piled in the truck.  This is quite a feat because to fit Amelia in the car seat in the truck, the passenger seat has to be tilted forward, which means I have to practically hug Josh from the middle bench seat while he drives.  Amelia wasn't real fond of her snow suit so by the time we got to the farm she was crying and sweaty, hah.  We had only taken out $60 from the bank, thinking this would be more than enough.  When we got to the farm, the trees were $70!!  For one short little tree!  So in order to pretend like we were good parents, we took a picture with the tree and turned right around.  We ended up "hunting" for our tree at Lowes and it was only $26!  Then we went out to dinner with some of the money we saved, haha!  Well at least we had the tree cutting experience, we just didn't end up with a tree (from there anyway!).  Our cheap Lowes tree looks pretty good in our living room!  Sorry Amelia, you have two frugal parents...

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