Monday, February 29, 2016

A boy?

Last week we went for the 12 week screening ultrasound to make sure the baby looks healthy.  We had an ultrasound tech and her assistant helping with the ultrasound.  After the tech finished, she asked the assistant to play around and see some different angles.  Though she wasn't allowed to tell us girl or boy, she said that she did find something between the legs that was not the umbilical cord.  Sounds like a boy to me!  It's not for sure though, as the baby is still so small.  Next ultrasound we should be able to know for sure.  From the six week ultrasound until now there's a huge difference in size and detail!  He looks like a full size baby now with facial features and all, even though he's only the size of a lemon!  He even sucked his thumb while we were watching on the screen...

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