Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Apartment Dilemma

Our apartment lease is up at the end of September and we've been struggling with where to live.  We have been praying about staying at our current apartment, hoping that God would soften the hearts of the ladies in the office to keep our rent the same.  We went in to talk to them last week and they predict that our rent will go up about $100 per month...  Ugh...  So, now we're left to decide what to do.  Yes, we can afford the pay $100 more dollars but this prevents us from paying of college loans as quickly as we'd hoped and saving up for a down payment on a house.  We started looking around this week at other apartments that are cheaper.  We found one that we liked, is significantly cheaper and had decided that this may be the one BUT there is a waitlist with 8 people before us.  God is not really giving us any direction and nothing seems to be falling into place.  We're kind of discouraged about all of this and could use your prayer.  I know God will work it all out but it is not fun waiting! :)

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