Friday, May 23, 2014

Green Beans in the Living Room

This Spring, Josh and I decided to plant a garden.  You may be wondering how we'll do this in an apartment.  Well, we saw an add for $10 plots in the community garden right around the corner from us!  So we went to the store to get seeds and starter plants for our garden (that we hadn't purchased yet...).  Our second stop was at the community center to buy a plot for the summer.  Unfortunately this was in early April and we weren't allowed to plan until they had designated the plots this week.  Therefore, we have green beans (rather large climbing plants!), squash, broccoli, carrots, spinach, lettuce, cilantro, basil,  parsley, rosemary and corn growing in our living room.  It's quite embarrassing when people come over.  At first we tried moving all the planters into the bedroom when people came but it was too much moving around, so we just leave them out for visitors.  Definitely a conversation piece!  Last weekend we tilled up the garden (by shovel and rake!) and we're hoping to plant them this weekend.  We weren't exactly sure how much to plant in a 10x10 plot so we did a little of everything.  Maybe we should have researched some more before jumping into all of this!  Anyway, I think we're going to have a ton of produce!!  Let me know if you want any! :)

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