Monday, October 14, 2013

The Unfit Couch

Josh and I are starting to move some of his things over to the apartment in order to do it slowly and not all during Christmas Break.  His Grandma wanted us to move the couch and chair over so that her old couch could go in his room.  So, we called over his brother with a truck to help and went down stairs to take out the couch.  They tried that couch every way possible and it would not fit out the door!!  Haha, it turns out that the basement (drywall, door frames, etc.) had been put in after the couch was already in.  They built the basement around the furniture!  Whoops!  So, the couch must stay but we took the chair.  Now we have two chairs in the living room at the apartment and no room for anyone else ;)  Does anyone have an extra couch they are trying to get rid of?

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