I felt bad that my firm voice scared or upset her... I don't like being the mean teacher very often, but it needed to be said. What happened next though was the most interesting. She sat in her chair until it was time for her to go. I just started playing with the other kids, being my normal self. The girl kept glancing up to meet my eyes to see if I was angry with her. Of course I wasn't.
It makes me sad when I see other people just keep glaring at the kids when they do something wrong...maybe even an hour later! I guess my philosophy is discipline and be done with it. They don't need to keep being punished!
When everyone else had left, she still had big tears in her eyes. When I asked her if she knew why I was upset, she nodded. Most of the time when she misbehaves, she denies it and gets really mad at me. This time was different. She knew she had done something wrong and she just wanted to hug me! So surprising! I just hugged her as she cried. I think for her it was such a relief to know that I still loved her, even when she messed up!
It reminded me of the way God loves me. Of course I do things wrong, and he may even discipline me, but he really just wants me to come and hug him, admitting what I've done. These kids are beginning to teach me a little more about unconditional love. I truly do think that I've learned way more this year than I could ever teach.
1 month from today I come home for Christmas!!
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