I have seven more days in Korea. Seven more days to walk to school in the morning. Seven more days to walk past the car wash man who waves and tells me good morning everyday. Seven more days to hug my kids. Seven more days to zip up their coats and help them put on their shoes. Seven more days to assist with the nose wipes and for those of you who know me, seven more days to use the whole bottle of hand-sanitizer :) These things that I'd seen as monotonous before, the things that seemed to make every day the same as the day before, are the things I'm going to miss the most. Until this weekend, I was in complete denial that I was leaving. I think it's starting to hit me now and it makes me really sad.
The other day I had a revelation. When I think of Korea, I just think of the glory days. I think everything about living in this foreign country, speaking a foreign language, teaching the cutest Korean kids, and being part of an awesome church is the best. The only way that I can really describe the way I feel right now is a deep sadness. But, a thought just occurred to me. I know that God is asking me to go back to the US right now. So, if I stayed in Korea, I would be disobeying Him. If I stayed, His anointing on me would not be here anymore and I would not be peaceful or fruitful anymore. I wouldn't love it here anymore. So since He's asking me to go back to America, I know that my anointing will be there and I will be just as peaceful, fruitful and joyful there :) It's comforting that as long as I'm in His will, the anointing travels with me, even across oceans!
I heard today that one of the current teachers here is going to take my class. I know that after I leave, my kids won't be my kids anymore, and they are no longer my responsibility, but I still was uneasy about an unknown person taking care of them, haha! I'm am so excited that she's taking them. She will take good care of them :)
I have so many things to do before I leave! My list just keeps growing!
1 comment:
Sara, I am so proud of you, you are such a beautiful young woman—it has been encouraging to watch you grow and to see you spread His love.
Thank you for being such a great witness, and a wonderful friend.
Selfishly, I am very ready for you to be back in the States, but I also know that your time there has been extremely special and that you will miss it (of course!)
Love you!
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