Today the teachers and some random other people celebrated Thansgiving in apartment 1205. Sidenote, I found out today that I have the biggest apartment out of all the teachers! Each teacher brought something. We ate fried chicken (closest to Turkey we could afford/find), mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, ho
memade bread, gravy, stuffing, pumkin and apple pie...the works! The food was delicious!
On Thursday my class had "cooking class." We were supposedly making apple pies. Well, as you can see from the picture, this apple pie consists of bread, apple jelly and 3 slices of apple! When I was showing the kids, I was told that I was putting on too much jelly. Apparently they don't like sweet things here and their apple pie is much different than ours! Check out their aprons and chef hats!
Well, episode two of throwing up student. And episode two of me gagging. At least it was again while I was at lunch!'s worse this time. The kid threw up on another kids pants! That is disgusting. The kid got to change his pants, but he pouted the rest of the day because he was so sad. I'm pretty sure I would pout to if I got thrown up on.
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