As with many of my students, I have a few that really test me when it comes to their behavior. I am convinved that this boy in particular is not
trying to do anything wrong. He just can't help but be squirmy and off task.
The last month or so I've given out a "best behavior trophy" every day to one student who was trying hard all day long. Yes........I know that sounds dumb, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do! :) Some students have gotten it twice already and some students haven't gotten it at all. It just depends on the behavior they choose.
The coolest part is, yesterday, this one boy was great all day long! More than great! When I decided to give
him the trophy, I didn't even have to "fudge" the truth! He earned it all by himself. He knew that he'd had such a great day and was so proud of himself. I started walking around the room, giving clues as to who would get the trophy. As I walked near him, he looked all around him just to make sure I was truly coming to
his desk. A huge smile spread across his face and he pretty much started hyperventilating because he couldn't contain his joy and excitement!
Though this may seem insignificant to most people, I think this 30 sec. clip of time might be my greatest moment of being a teacher. Considering all this year has brought, this memory will encourage me to keep doing what God is having me do!